How To Change Wi-Fi Networks On All of Your Smart Devices At Once

Switching your Wi-Fi poses some issues, whether you’ve switched internet service providers (ISPs) or need to upgrade your password. When your network connectivity changes, manually connecting all of your smart home devices is a time-consuming process—wouldn’t it be much easier to switch Wi-Fi connections across all of your smart home devices at once? Fortunately, there are workarounds that can let you transfer internet connections more easily;

Here are two options.

Change the SSID and PSK/password

When you enter the Wi-Fi settings on one of your smart devices, you’ll usually find a number of network options. The SSID, which stands for service set identifier, is the name of your Wi-Fi network.

Changing the SSID and Wi-Fi password to your original router’s credentials is one approach to avoid having to manually connect your smart home devices. In other words, if you use the same Wi-Fi name and password while setting up a new connection, you should be able to restart all of your smart devices and they should join your new network immediately.

It’s worth noting that some routers refer to the password as the PSK. When you’re ready to type in your new password to connect to the internet, make sure you check for the correct field. The process may not work for you if you do not enter identical information into your new network configuration. Double-check that you’re filling in the proper fields with the right information.

Use Ethernet For Your Device Connections

Two reasons to consider using an Ethernet connection are the lack of delays in connections and the absence of interference. While wireless internet is increasingly common, if you have the option, you should use a wired connection in your house. Your smart gadgets are more likely to work at their optimum when connected over a wired connection. Ethernet is a secure connection that does not require a password, unlike ordinary wireless connections.

To power your Ethernet connection, you can utilize a variety of fiber optic connections. There are single-mode and multi-mode fiber optic cables, for example, that are available from a variety of telecommunication firms.

Single-mode fiber optic cables are suitable for big residences with high bandwidth requirements, but multi-mode fiber optic cables are better for short distances and lesser bandwidth requirements. Your internet connection cables might have a beneficial or bad impact on your home’s connectivity. Before deciding on one cable over another, make important to assess your home’s internet requirements.

Keep in mind that, depending on their capabilities, some smart devices may not be able to maintain an Ethernet connection while utilizing these cords. Before you set up this form of Ethernet cable connection, double-check the parameters of your smart devices.

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About The Author

Hassan Zaka

I am an expert in accounting and possess diverse experience in technical writing. I have written for various industries on topics such as finance, business, and technology. My writing style is clear and simple, and I utilize infographics and diagrams to make my writing more engaging. I can be a valuable asset to any organization in need of technical writing services.

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