How to Link smartlife to google home is a process which users have to go through, here is a complete follow through process and other problems users facing for failed to link their account to google home and how to resolve it with easy steps.
Before you get started make sure you meet the following conditions
- A Google Home device, or Android phone with Google Assistant.
- Latest Google Home App.
- Latest Google App (Android only)
- A Google account.
- The device display language must be set to English US.
- Smart Life App and a related account.
- Smart devices.
Smart Home: Smart Life Compatible Devices
How to Register and add devices in smartlife app.
Download Smart Life App
Open the Smart Life App, tap “Register” to register an account, then sign in the App.
Sign in with the Smart Life account, add the device, and then change device name to an easily recognized word or phrase, like “bedroom light“.
Smart Home: List of Compatible Smartlife Light Bulb
Now Set up Google Home and Configure in Home Control
Make sure your Google Home is energized and four colored lights on the top are on which means that it is in a state of waiting for a connection.
Make sure your Google Home is in a Wi-Fi network with easy access to Google services.
Open the Google Home App, and your device appears immediately on the Discover list.
To start connecting to Google speakers, press ‘SET UP’ and then click ‘YES‘ after the voice prompts are heard.
Support boost Google Home, and in the lower right corner, press “Yeah, I’M IN”.
“For example, choose a location for Google Home, choose” bedroom,
Choose your WI-FI network to set up your Google Home.
After successfully connected, the App page will display as follows.
Select a language, then click”Next”.
Click “Next” while waiting for the machine to quickly set up your Google Assistant.
To open a dialogue box, click ‘VIEW MORE,’ and then select ‘I Accept’ to let Google Home get your schedule, flight itinerary, and more for customized. Then set your geographic location, choose the music service you need, and then press ‘NEXT.’ You should press ‘Not Now’ to miss it if you don’t need it.
Then comes a review of what you have done. After clicking “Next” the page will display “Google Home is ready”. At this point, Google Home’s setup is complete.
Link Smart Life To Google Home Control
Attention: Due to the Google Home App’s known bug, you could only use one Google account to control “Home Control Action“. If you sign in Google Home App with several Google accounts, only the first Google account you signed in can be used for “Home Control”.
1.On the homepage of Google Home App, click the button in the higher left corner, select “+”, select “Set up device” under the list of “Add and manage”, and then click “Have something already set up”.
2.Find “Smart Life ” in the list. In the new window, select your Smart Life account’s region, type your Smart Life account and password, then tap “Link Now”. After you assign rooms for devices, your devices will be listed in the Home Control page.
Most Users unable to Link Smartlife to Google home and how to trouble shoot?
As you registered for smartlife app account, you entered a login as a email and a password, when you sign up for smart life.
When you tried to re-link an account, you mistakenly entered logins as mobile phone number and password. It said it was linked to Google Home but was actually in limbo.
Solution: Log in to you main google account through chrome browser. Go to “security” and scroll down to the bottom of the page. You’ll then see “linked accounts“. Unlink smart life.
Go back to google home and you can now re-link smart life (it will come up with the screen to enter your login details), this time make sure you enter the email you registered under (if it was email and not mobile phone) or vice versa.
Hey – the smart plugs etc will now show under your devices.
For Full information about SmartLife account linking with google home visit..
Recently my smartlife bulbs stopped responding to Google Assistant. When I go re-link my acct, now it goes to a screen that says “The following Apps all support action. Please select an App to log in”… and it gives me Feit Electric and Gosund to choose and link.
All that does is give me two of every Gosund or Feit device on my network – it still doesn’t add in the Smart Life bulbs. How do I get around this issue to get my actual Smart Life bulbs reconnected?
I too am running into that screen and unsure how to proceed. My smart devices are no longer porting over from Smart Life to Google Home 🙁